Not sure if this directly lets you meet The Bastard, but I remember purposefully "throwing away" my knife that the game starts you out with (just to see if I could, lol) + revisiting the forest creek repeatedly during the early days of staying in the town. Hope that helps!
[Possible Spoiler Alert: After meeting either Jak or Will, there's a chance of them intervening when you encounter The Bastard. Not sure if the other LIs come in to help, but that's what happened on my playthrough.]
I love will so so much,,,,,, why cant i adore that clown ass 24/7..... his character is so phenomenal i loved him sm!!!!
i was hoping flo and bastard would know about that friend we have who brings us back, i thought it would be so cool to have different interactions based on if you've been revived in this save
I am also lost but I can help you with the Bastard. I don't know if it's at a specific day but go to the creek, and then go upstream. Hope this helps :)
This game looks super promising and I think I will absolutely buy it, but I just had one spoiler related question. It's great that you included the Cannibalism warning but is there a way to avoid that part and still interact with Bastard?
yea, the cannibalism isn't in every scene. if he captures you and you're compliant, he'll rape you and steal some of your coins and if you yell for help, someone shows up and fights for you. i guess the cannibalism is only when he actually kills someone, as far as i'm aware.
I adore this game. It's worth the money. I'd say Jak and Dijon are my favorites but I love the soft, romantic nature of Jade and Mags romance routes.
Although I've completed all the character endings I'm curious as how to obtain the other achievements i.e the minigames, the collections and gameplay. I have the Accident prone, Go getter and 'Down with the B*stard' achievements but I'm missing everything else.
Can anyone help me with some CGs I’m missing? I’ve done all endings and played both genders for all the NSFW interactions too.
I’m missing two of Wills (the second and the last). I’ve done pretty much every interaction I can get my hands on and it won’t unlock. I’d assumed they’d be from the will vs Dijon interactions but that hasn’t unlocked them either (possible bug?)
I’m missing one of Florence’s. I’d assume it’s him wide eyed, but it’s not unlocking. I missing the middle bottom one on the first page.
I’ve got all other characters but in the town CGs Im missing three from the third page (3,5,6) and the first two of the last page.
Would like to have helped, but i'm stuck on the exact same ones. Sorry bud ;')
I would like to know if you could help me with some GCs you got that I don't have- I made a list, it's fine if you're lazy to respond or help or anything.
Magnolia : 5, 6, 7.
Florence(guess you're missing this one-) : 5.
Dijon : 8, 11.
Will(also missing these ?): 2, 11.
Jedidiah : 2.
And we got the same for Backgrounds/Bastard, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20.
If you're ready to help me, i'd appreciate it SO MUCH. I'm just so lost with what I missed and how and- well I gotta admit I don't have the patience of re-doing anything :sob:.
I made that list so if other ppl needs help I/We can also respond, but yeah- do you also know the second ending of Jedidiah ? It's the last one I need! I don't know if you need my help for anything, but just ask if so! Thanks to you for reading me mate :)
I’ve noticed a couple of ingredients for meals that aren’t in the recipe book (carrot, other fish, some berries, rice, etc). Are there other recipes to discover in the game?
it’s called free spirit and basically you gotta ignore the weird curse stuff. I did that by not seeing the notes in the notebook (by asking about Will) and also by being excited and eager whenever he showed me the gun stuff. As a result he won’t ask you to shoot him. Sleep with him after that to get the ending.
florence 1st ending: once you find out about florence's secret at the shooting lesson (you'll find out no matter what choices you make there), he'll kiss you. kiss him back and that will lead to a sex scene and you'll get the achievement.
florence's 5th ending: do the same thing as the 1st ending but do NOT kiss him back. he will not like this and tell you to get on your knees. do not fight back and get on your knees like he told you. another scene will happen and then you will get the achievement!
[copied and pasted from another reply further down]
hii i love this game sm but im having trouble getting bastard's first ending, florence's second ending, and dijon's last ending if anyone could help me id appreciate that!
Hi so I can't help with the Florence ending but with the bastard ending you just have to walk back and forth from the creek and he will randomly show up and with Dijon last ending you just have to keep sleeping with people at the inn and falling asleep right after.
basically the way to get the first 4 is sleeping with Jak and then Dijon and then they're gonna kidnap you at night and then you just have to choose all the different options it gives you like picking jak, or letting the time run out. For the last two its actually will vs bastard and jak vs bastard
idk how to get jak vs bastard but to get will vs bastard you have to talk to will in the forest and then do the random encounter with bastard and then choose to call out
AHH I really need help with the last few endings!!! I havent gotten the bastard's first ending, and the last two endings under Jak Vs Dijon. I've been trying hard to get the endings but like, I must be missing something! If anyone can give me some thorough instructions on how to do them, I'd be so happy;-;
the last two under jak vs dijon is actually bastard vs jak and bastard vs will, you need to gain their affection and then trigger the bastard event, where u can call for help
I cannot get jeds second ending for the LIFE OF ME. I have tried every order of jed jak and magnolia, just jak and magnolia, jak jade magnolia, jed jak jade magnolia, idk WHAT is wrong. everytime he either ignores me or tells me to go away. SOMEONE PLS HELLLPPP
Hi ! I'm trying for the same achievement and I was wondering how you get Annie Lislie? I guess I haven't done whatever it takes to unlock it yet and I really want to finish Jed's scenes out.
Hi!! not sure about the 2nd ending for bastard, but I can help with Will's last ending!
For Will's 3rd Ending befriend him in the woods the same way you would in his first ending and then sleep at the Inn until the event triggers, it took me a few days of sleeping but thats really all you have to do.
Let me know if you figure out the 2nd bastard ending!
I believe Bastard's second ending is through the Dijon vs Jak event. So you have to say nothing when they make you choose, then some stuff should happen between Jak and Dijon, and then Bastard shows up!
Can you share exact steps you took for Will's 3rd achievement? I must've tried every different way of befriending him and just going back to sleep for weeks but nothing ever happens.
on a new save talk to nobody, go straight to The Creek
Approach Strange Clown (Will)
Follow Him
Wade Through the water
Run Across
Stay Quiet
Follow Him
Try to Reason With Him
Attempt to Converse
Ask about Skeletons, Make up, and Bones
Go back to the Inn and sleep
It can take a few days/weeks of sleeping to get the event, it took a lot longer this time than it did the first time getting the ending so I think its kind of a "random event" you can get after getting Will as a stalker. It took me about 2 1/2 weeks to get the event to pop up this time, hope this helps!
Thank you very much! You're probably right about it being random because I finally got it after sleeping for like 8 weeks. 🙃 Lmao Will needs to take things slow apparently.
I absolutely adore this game!!! It is so well written and I love all of the different achievements!
One question though, I am having trouble getting Jed's second achievement. I have tried sleeping with Jak, then Mags. Sleeping with Jed first, then Jak, then Mags. And I've tried sleeping with Jade in between jak and Mags but all I get is either Jed ignoring me or telling me to go away. Any help would be absolutely appreciated! I might be able to help with some of the other endings too if anyone need it. Thank you! :)
this game is good! but can anyone help me figure out how to get the rest of djions endings? i have little lamb, but thats it, and i dunno how to get the rest to trigger... (and the third ending forr djion vs jak, i've gotten all of them minus whatever that third one is!)
The Dijon endings are sort of in order after each other, and I believe they're triggered by sleeping with people after Dijon. If you sleep with one character after sleeping with him first, it should trigger the second ending (make sure you go to sleep in the inn after sleeping with the second person to trigger it), and then if you sleep with someone else after that, it'll trigger the third and same for the fourth.
As for the 3rd dijon and jak ending, I believe that it's the one in which you don't choose either of them and let the time run out!
as for the 3d one, thats actually the 4th one i think! i tried it again to see if there was maybe a choice after letting the time run out, but there wasn't, so im stumped again
The game is really fun! I've gotten most of everyone's achievements but struggling with getting all of Florence's achievements for some reason. Any help would be very appreciated :].
haha, it's really funny that you asked because i helped someone else in the comments with those exact endings not too long ago. i just copied and pasted what i wrote there, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! :)
spoilers ahead!
as for florence's 1st and 5th ending...
to get both of them you have to accept the gun from florence when he offers it to you, this happens after interviewing magnolia about the break-in. i believe you also have to ask about the notebook after seeing the strange writing in it. after this, you have to wait an in-game week for florence to come back to town on the weekend. go to the sheriff's office and talk to him and you can ask him to teach you how to use the gun. the shooting lessons are where the endings take place.
florence 1st ending: once you find out about florence's secret at the shooting lesson (you'll find out no matter what choices you make there), he'll kiss you. kiss him back and that will lead to a sex scene and you'll get the achievement.
florence's 5th ending: do the same thing as the 1st ending but do NOT kiss him back. he will not like this and tell you to get on your knees. do not fight back and get on your knees like he told you. another scene will happen and then you will get the achievement!
i love the game and managed to get almost all endings except i cant get the last 2 for Jed and the last for Magnoliah. im a bit lost, otherwise i love the characters with the bastard being my favorite. wish i could romance him xd
jed 2nd:this ending is triggered by sleeping with jak FIRST, and then magnolia. afterwards, you can go talk to jed and you should get the second ending
jed 3rd: attempt to flirt with him immediately
magnoliah 3rd: i kind of forgot which one this was exactly so sorry if this is the wrong ending! but start with attempting to flirt with her, play annie lislie, then ask her to stay the night :)
i've been trying to get florence's 1st and 5th endings and jak's second ending so in exchange if you could help me out that would be great!
thanks but i dont know if i do something wrong or but Jak burns down her house and then i can no longer talk to jed saying the same thing over and over. idk if somethings missing or i did it wrong. The other 2 endings i asked for worked though!
not entirely sure about which one it was but if you met will first and saw the bones and then do the whole inspectation with Magnolia and ask about Will and tell florence it should give an ending when you sleep with florence, otherwise dont meet will first and do the whole thing and tell him about the writing in his notebook. then you have several options to try out.
the 5th for florence you have to sleep with florence first and then Jed.
for Jaks second ending im also not fully sure but theres the flirt option and then the height and beer option. both give different endings
also another question is if you have 5 pictures in the boot thing. i am missing 3 on page 3 (2 next the bartender and 1 top right) and 2 on page 4 (first 2) im really curious if any of them also have to do with the bastard or if they are not that interesting.
huh! maybe you have to sleep with jed first before jak and magnolia then? if you dont get it after that then i'm not sure what it is.. maybe you have to sleep with jade inbetween jak and magnolia too so jed catches him, i'm not sure?
also thanks! i couldn't get florence's endings for some reason but i got jak's, so thank you! ill keep trying for florence!!
i'm also missing those ones so sorry i can't help with those yet u_u i'll let you know if i can find them eventually!
I tried but to no luck. Jak only gets caught after burning Magnolias house down not after Jade.
have you tried shooting florence and not shooting him after you saw his notebook. i think those 2 might be different endings
but idk why florence 5th ending didnt work. it happens after first sleeping with florence and then sleeping with jed.(because florence shows up afterall after sleeping with jed and if you slept with florence first it should trigger new dialoge)
Oh i see! I never triggered the shoot Florence event until just now, thank you! I got the last endings I needed. The Jed and Florence ending might've been the 6th one, I think? But I got them, thank you again!
Regarding the Jed ending, I still have no idea why it's not working, then.. I know the ending has something to do with magnolias death, but I'm not sure what the problem is.. I'm sorry for not being much help on that!
lovely game! i'm struggling to find a few of the endings though! florence's 4th and 6th ending, jed's 2nd ending, and the 5th ending for jak vs dijon. if anyone could help me, i'd be really grateful!
hi! i know it's been a little over a week since you posted this but if you still need help
minor spoilers obv!
florence 4th ending: before meeting him, follow will through the forest and witness him with the skeletons, then after getting away from him, you can go meet florence. when he takes you to investigate magnolia's break in, interview her and you should now have the option to bring up will as a possible suspect. afterwards, finish talking to florence and rat will out, that should give you the ending
florence 6th ending: sleep with florence first and then jed, you'll get the ending once florence sees you at jed's house
jed 2nd ending: this ending is triggered by sleeping with jak FIRST, and then magnolia. afterwards, you can go talk to jed and you should get the second ending, if that doesn't work maybe sleep with jed first/sleep with jade inbetween jak and magnolia to get jed to catch jak in the act
jak vs dijon 5th ending: this one is a bit misleading in terms of it being under jak vs dijon, it's triggered by interacting with and befriending WILL first (before jak i think, but i did it without meeting jak at all) and then triggering bastard in the forest, which you have to call out for help during. will should come rescue you, and youll get the ending achievement.
if you have anything regarding florence's 1st and 5th endings and jak's second ending in exchange pls lmk im so lost trying to get them LOL
hi there!! thank you so much for the reply and for the help! i really appreciate it!
as for florence's 1st and 5th ending...
to get both of them you have to accept the gun from florence when he offers it to you, this happens after interviewing magnolia about the break-in. i believe you also have to ask about the notebook after seeing the strange writing in it. after this, you have to wait an in-game week for florence to come back to town on the weekend. go to the sheriff's office and talk to him and you can ask him to teach you how to use the gun. the shooting lessons are where the endings take place.
florence 1st ending: once you find out about florence's secret at the shooting lesson (you'll find out no matter what choices you make there), he'll kiss you. kiss him back and that will lead to a sex scene and you'll get the achievement.
florence's 5th ending: do the same thing as the 1st ending but do NOT kiss him back. he will not like this and tell you to get on your knees. do not fight back and get on your knees like he told you. another scene will happen and then you will get the achievement!
now for jak's 2nd ending!
jak's 2nd ending: this one's pretty easy! after talking to him at the saloon for the first time, approach him again immediately after. he'll be surprised you decided to talk to him again, as he thought he scared you off. take this opportunity to flirt with him, and then flirt with him again. at this point, the two of you will go back to your room at the inn for some alone time. then you'll get the achievement!
Okay so- These were a lil tricky but: Jed's second ending - MUST sleep with Jak first, then Magnolia for it to trigger.
Jak vs. Dijon fifth ending - Interact with Will first, then try to trigger Bastard. Once you get his scene, make sure to click on the "call out" option
Jak vs. Dijon sixth ending - Same process as the fifth, except make sure Jak was the first person you interact with in instead of Will!
I am only maybe 1/2 done with the game and I had a small question. Is Florence based off of Kenny from South Park? I love South Park as it’s been my special niche for around 6 years. And I’ve loved his route thus far because of it.
it's not too hard to get! just start a new save and only acquaint yourself with dijon and will (though you don't have to sleep with will; just get on his good side). hope that helps!
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This game is absolutely amazing!!!
does anyone know how and where i can trigger the bastard event? i haven't gotten it for my entire run!
Not sure if this directly lets you meet The Bastard, but I remember purposefully "throwing away" my knife that the game starts you out with (just to see if I could, lol) + revisiting the forest creek repeatedly during the early days of staying in the town. Hope that helps!
[Possible Spoiler Alert: After meeting either Jak or Will, there's a chance of them intervening when you encounter The Bastard. Not sure if the other LIs come in to help, but that's what happened on my playthrough.]
im not original commenter but omg thank you so much i was losing my mind trying to find the missing cgs and those were my last two achievements.
i got jak's first, florence's third and bastard's second achievements, but i don't remember how? does anyone happen to know these by heart?
I love will so so much,,,,,, why cant i adore that clown ass 24/7..... his character is so phenomenal i loved him sm!!!!
i was hoping flo and bastard would know about that friend we have who brings us back, i thought it would be so cool to have different interactions based on if you've been revived in this save
Is there a guide or something? I'm enjoying the game but I'm lost, I don't even know where to find the Bastard...
I am also lost but I can help you with the Bastard. I don't know if it's at a specific day but go to the creek, and then go upstream. Hope this helps :)
I think the way to ge bastard is to throw your knife in the trash, go to sheriff's office to look at records, than go upstream of the creek
This game looks super promising and I think I will absolutely buy it, but I just had one spoiler related question. It's great that you included the Cannibalism warning but is there a way to avoid that part and still interact with Bastard?
yea, the cannibalism isn't in every scene. if he captures you and you're compliant, he'll rape you and steal some of your coins and if you yell for help, someone shows up and fights for you. i guess the cannibalism is only when he actually kills someone, as far as i'm aware.
I adore this game. It's worth the money. I'd say Jak and Dijon are my favorites but I love the soft, romantic nature of Jade and Mags romance routes.
Although I've completed all the character endings I'm curious as how to obtain the other achievements i.e the minigames, the collections and gameplay. I have the Accident prone, Go getter and 'Down with the B*stard' achievements but I'm missing everything else.
mini games:
- Pick 100 berries
- a fishing related one (I think catch 100)
- ????
- score at least 69 in snake
I’ve not finished any collections and have the same gameplay achievements as you.
how do you get the "go getter" achievement?
Can anyone help me with some CGs I’m missing? I’ve done all endings and played both genders for all the NSFW interactions too.
I’m missing two of Wills (the second and the last). I’ve done pretty much every interaction I can get my hands on and it won’t unlock. I’d assumed they’d be from the will vs Dijon interactions but that hasn’t unlocked them either (possible bug?)
I’m missing one of Florence’s. I’d assume it’s him wide eyed, but it’s not unlocking. I missing the middle bottom one on the first page.
I’ve got all other characters but in the town CGs Im missing three from the third page (3,5,6) and the first two of the last page.
Any ideas?
Would like to have helped, but i'm stuck on the exact same ones. Sorry bud ;')
I would like to know if you could help me with some GCs you got that I don't have- I made a list, it's fine if you're lazy to respond or help or anything.
Magnolia : 5, 6, 7.
Florence(guess you're missing this one-) : 5.
Dijon : 8, 11.
Will(also missing these ?): 2, 11.
Jedidiah : 2.
And we got the same for Backgrounds/Bastard, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20.
If you're ready to help me, i'd appreciate it SO MUCH. I'm just so lost with what I missed and how and- well I gotta admit I don't have the patience of re-doing anything :sob:.
I made that list so if other ppl needs help I/We can also respond, but yeah- do you also know the second ending of Jedidiah ? It's the last one I need! I don't know if you need my help for anything, but just ask if so! Thanks to you for reading me mate :)
the ones that I know:
Have romantic sex with Mag while you’ve got a vagina, and you’ll get hers
Top Dijon whilst you have a penis
And annoy Jed with some of the dumb introductions. Can’t remember which one easy enough to save scrub.
I’m missing the rest
I’ve noticed a couple of ingredients for meals that aren’t in the recipe book (carrot, other fish, some berries, rice, etc). Are there other recipes to discover in the game?
Maybe someday :)
Another banger game! you guys dont dissapoint!
I've gotten all the Florence endings except the 2nd, any help?
it’s called free spirit and basically you gotta ignore the weird curse stuff. I did that by not seeing the notes in the notebook (by asking about Will) and also by being excited and eager whenever he showed me the gun stuff. As a result he won’t ask you to shoot him. Sleep with him after that to get the ending.
Can anyone help me with the Florence endings 1 and 5 I can not figure it out-
florence 1st ending: once you find out about florence's secret at the shooting lesson (you'll find out no matter what choices you make there), he'll kiss you. kiss him back and that will lead to a sex scene and you'll get the achievement.
florence's 5th ending: do the same thing as the 1st ending but do NOT kiss him back. he will not like this and tell you to get on your knees. do not fight back and get on your knees like he told you. another scene will happen and then you will get the achievement!
[copied and pasted from another reply further down]
hii i love this game sm but im having trouble getting bastard's first ending, florence's second ending, and dijon's last ending if anyone could help me id appreciate that!
Hi so I can't help with the Florence ending but with the bastard ending you just have to walk back and forth from the creek and he will randomly show up and with Dijon last ending you just have to keep sleeping with people at the inn and falling asleep right after.
Can anyone help me start the Dijon vs Jak I've been trying but can't seem to figure it out ;W;
basically the way to get the first 4 is sleeping with Jak and then Dijon and then they're gonna kidnap you at night and then you just have to choose all the different options it gives you like picking jak, or letting the time run out. For the last two its actually will vs bastard and jak vs bastard
idk how to get jak vs bastard but to get will vs bastard you have to talk to will in the forest and then do the random encounter with bastard and then choose to call out
Thank you so much I don't know why I was struggling so much on it
AHH I really need help with the last few endings!!! I havent gotten the bastard's first ending, and the last two endings under Jak Vs Dijon. I've been trying hard to get the endings but like, I must be missing something! If anyone can give me some thorough instructions on how to do them, I'd be so happy;-;
the last two under jak vs dijon is actually bastard vs jak and bastard vs will, you need to gain their affection and then trigger the bastard event, where u can call for help
Can anyone tell me how to trigger the Will vs Dijon route? I’m a little lost..
the way i did it was earning will as a stalker and then sleeping with dijon, then going back to your room to sleep
I cannot get jeds second ending for the LIFE OF ME. I have tried every order of jed jak and magnolia, just jak and magnolia, jak jade magnolia, jed jak jade magnolia, idk WHAT is wrong. everytime he either ignores me or tells me to go away. SOMEONE PLS HELLLPPP
Ok so you FIRST have to sleep with Jak, and when you do make sure you go the tent/campfire route.
Then you sleep with Jade.
Then you talk to Florence, interview Magnolia, and make sure you TAKE the gun. (If it's not the weekend, sleep in until it is.)
Then next weekend you talk to Florence again, ask for shooting lessons and sleep with him.
Then talk to Jed, but DO NOT sleep with him. Idk if the other options work, but I flirted with him.
Then talk to Magnolia, and make sure you play her favorite song, Annie Lislie, THEN ask her to stay the night after you sleep together.
Then the next morning go to the sheriff's office. Jak should be in the cell.
Ask why Jak is in the cell, and Jed explains he was caught murdering Magnolia, then the achievement should be unlocked! I hope this works!
im so in love w u yanderelover69 /p thank you so much it worked
Hi ! I'm trying for the same achievement and I was wondering how you get Annie Lislie? I guess I haven't done whatever it takes to unlock it yet and I really want to finish Jed's scenes out.
gaaahhhh this game is amazing but i need will's last ending and the bastards second ending T-T
Hi!! not sure about the 2nd ending for bastard, but I can help with Will's last ending!
For Will's 3rd Ending befriend him in the woods the same way you would in his first ending and then sleep at the Inn until the event triggers, it took me a few days of sleeping but thats really all you have to do.
Let me know if you figure out the 2nd bastard ending!
I believe Bastard's second ending is through the Dijon vs Jak event. So you have to say nothing when they make you choose, then some stuff should happen between Jak and Dijon, and then Bastard shows up!
OHHH i see, tysm!!!
THANK YOU i will try that when i get home
Can you share exact steps you took for Will's 3rd achievement? I must've tried every different way of befriending him and just going back to sleep for weeks but nothing ever happens.
Sure! The exact steps i took are
It can take a few days/weeks of sleeping to get the event, it took a lot longer this time than it did the first time getting the ending so I think its kind of a "random event" you can get after getting Will as a stalker. It took me about 2 1/2 weeks to get the event to pop up this time, hope this helps!
Thank you very much! You're probably right about it being random because I finally got it after sleeping for like 8 weeks. 🙃 Lmao Will needs to take things slow apparently.
I absolutely adore this game!!! It is so well written and I love all of the different achievements!
One question though, I am having trouble getting Jed's second achievement. I have tried sleeping with Jak, then Mags. Sleeping with Jed first, then Jak, then Mags. And I've tried sleeping with Jade in between jak and Mags but all I get is either Jed ignoring me or telling me to go away. Any help would be absolutely appreciated! I might be able to help with some of the other endings too if anyone need it. Thank you! :)
okay nvm I got it thanks to a post from above. Thank you!!!!!!!
this game is good! but can anyone help me figure out how to get the rest of djions endings? i have little lamb, but thats it, and i dunno how to get the rest to trigger... (and the third ending forr djion vs jak, i've gotten all of them minus whatever that third one is!)
The Dijon endings are sort of in order after each other, and I believe they're triggered by sleeping with people after Dijon. If you sleep with one character after sleeping with him first, it should trigger the second ending (make sure you go to sleep in the inn after sleeping with the second person to trigger it), and then if you sleep with someone else after that, it'll trigger the third and same for the fourth.
As for the 3rd dijon and jak ending, I believe that it's the one in which you don't choose either of them and let the time run out!
thank you! now i have all the djion endings!
as for the 3d one, thats actually the 4th one i think! i tried it again to see if there was maybe a choice after letting the time run out, but there wasn't, so im stumped again
the third ending for Jak and Dijon happens if you choose Dijon and then let the next timer that appears run out!
The game is really fun! I've gotten most of everyone's achievements but struggling with getting all of Florence's achievements for some reason. Any help would be very appreciated :].
which ones are you struggling with?
they never messaged you back but I also need help with his 1st and 5th endins so could you help me?
haha, it's really funny that you asked because i helped someone else in the comments with those exact endings not too long ago. i just copied and pasted what i wrote there, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! :)
spoilers ahead!
as for florence's 1st and 5th ending...
to get both of them you have to accept the gun from florence when he offers it to you, this happens after interviewing magnolia about the break-in. i believe you also have to ask about the notebook after seeing the strange writing in it. after this, you have to wait an in-game week for florence to come back to town on the weekend. go to the sheriff's office and talk to him and you can ask him to teach you how to use the gun. the shooting lessons are where the endings take place.
florence 1st ending: once you find out about florence's secret at the shooting lesson (you'll find out no matter what choices you make there), he'll kiss you. kiss him back and that will lead to a sex scene and you'll get the achievement.
florence's 5th ending: do the same thing as the 1st ending but do NOT kiss him back. he will not like this and tell you to get on your knees. do not fight back and get on your knees like he told you. another scene will happen and then you will get the achievement!
Thank you so much I finally was able to complete all of the endings!
no problem!! i'm so glad i was able to help! :D
i love the game and managed to get almost all endings except i cant get the last 2 for Jed and the last for Magnoliah. im a bit lost, otherwise i love the characters with the bastard being my favorite. wish i could romance him xd
if you still need help
jed 2nd: this ending is triggered by sleeping with jak FIRST, and then magnolia. afterwards, you can go talk to jed and you should get the second ending
jed 3rd: attempt to flirt with him immediately
magnoliah 3rd: i kind of forgot which one this was exactly so sorry if this is the wrong ending! but start with attempting to flirt with her, play annie lislie, then ask her to stay the night :)
i've been trying to get florence's 1st and 5th endings and jak's second ending so in exchange if you could help me out that would be great!
thanks but i dont know if i do something wrong or but Jak burns down her house and then i can no longer talk to jed saying the same thing over and over. idk if somethings missing or i did it wrong. The other 2 endings i asked for worked though!
not entirely sure about which one it was but if you met will first and saw the bones and then do the whole inspectation with Magnolia and ask about Will and tell florence it should give an ending when you sleep with florence, otherwise dont meet will first and do the whole thing and tell him about the writing in his notebook. then you have several options to try out.
the 5th for florence you have to sleep with florence first and then Jed.
for Jaks second ending im also not fully sure but theres the flirt option and then the height and beer option. both give different endings
also another question is if you have 5 pictures in the boot thing. i am missing 3 on page 3 (2 next the bartender and 1 top right) and 2 on page 4 (first 2) im really curious if any of them also have to do with the bastard or if they are not that interesting.
huh! maybe you have to sleep with jed first before jak and magnolia then? if you dont get it after that then i'm not sure what it is.. maybe you have to sleep with jade inbetween jak and magnolia too so jed catches him, i'm not sure?
also thanks! i couldn't get florence's endings for some reason but i got jak's, so thank you! ill keep trying for florence!!
i'm also missing those ones so sorry i can't help with those yet u_u i'll let you know if i can find them eventually!
I tried but to no luck. Jak only gets caught after burning Magnolias house down not after Jade.
have you tried shooting florence and not shooting him after you saw his notebook. i think those 2 might be different endings
but idk why florence 5th ending didnt work. it happens after first sleeping with florence and then sleeping with jed.(because florence shows up afterall after sleeping with jed and if you slept with florence first it should trigger new dialoge)
Oh i see! I never triggered the shoot Florence event until just now, thank you! I got the last endings I needed. The Jed and Florence ending might've been the 6th one, I think? But I got them, thank you again!
Regarding the Jed ending, I still have no idea why it's not working, then.. I know the ending has something to do with magnolias death, but I'm not sure what the problem is.. I'm sorry for not being much help on that!
will you ever post a demo?
lovely game! i'm struggling to find a few of the endings though! florence's 4th and 6th ending, jed's 2nd ending, and the 5th ending for jak vs dijon. if anyone could help me, i'd be really grateful!
hi! i know it's been a little over a week since you posted this but if you still need help
minor spoilers obv!
florence 4th ending: before meeting him, follow will through the forest and witness him with the skeletons, then after getting away from him, you can go meet florence. when he takes you to investigate magnolia's break in, interview her and you should now have the option to bring up will as a possible suspect. afterwards, finish talking to florence and rat will out, that should give you the ending
florence 6th ending: sleep with florence first and then jed, you'll get the ending once florence sees you at jed's house
jed 2nd ending: this ending is triggered by sleeping with jak FIRST, and then magnolia. afterwards, you can go talk to jed and you should get the second ending, if that doesn't work maybe sleep with jed first/sleep with jade inbetween jak and magnolia to get jed to catch jak in the act
jak vs dijon 5th ending: this one is a bit misleading in terms of it being under jak vs dijon, it's triggered by interacting with and befriending WILL first (before jak i think, but i did it without meeting jak at all) and then triggering bastard in the forest, which you have to call out for help during. will should come rescue you, and youll get the ending achievement.
if you have anything regarding florence's 1st and 5th endings and jak's second ending in exchange pls lmk im so lost trying to get them LOL
hi there!! thank you so much for the reply and for the help! i really appreciate it!
as for florence's 1st and 5th ending...
to get both of them you have to accept the gun from florence when he offers it to you, this happens after interviewing magnolia about the break-in. i believe you also have to ask about the notebook after seeing the strange writing in it. after this, you have to wait an in-game week for florence to come back to town on the weekend. go to the sheriff's office and talk to him and you can ask him to teach you how to use the gun. the shooting lessons are where the endings take place.
florence 1st ending: once you find out about florence's secret at the shooting lesson (you'll find out no matter what choices you make there), he'll kiss you. kiss him back and that will lead to a sex scene and you'll get the achievement.
florence's 5th ending: do the same thing as the 1st ending but do NOT kiss him back. he will not like this and tell you to get on your knees. do not fight back and get on your knees like he told you. another scene will happen and then you will get the achievement!
now for jak's 2nd ending!
jak's 2nd ending: this one's pretty easy! after talking to him at the saloon for the first time, approach him again immediately after. he'll be surprised you decided to talk to him again, as he thought he scared you off. take this opportunity to flirt with him, and then flirt with him again. at this point, the two of you will go back to your room at the inn for some alone time. then you'll get the achievement!
if you have any questions, lmk!! :D
Does anyone know how to trigger bastard?
He's a random encounter
I have every relationship Achievements except the last two for Dijon v. Jak T-T. Any suggestions?
The last two aren't Dijon Vs Jak. They're another vs (in a way). Try poking around in the woods if you've met people beforehand
Thank you <3!!
Dijon best boi
I'm really enjoying this game :) but i seem to be stuck trying to find 2nd jed endings and the last 2 grey ones under jak vs dijon - any spare tips? 😩
Okay so- These were a lil tricky but:
Jed's second ending - MUST sleep with Jak first, then Magnolia for it to trigger.
Jak vs. Dijon fifth ending - Interact with Will first, then try to trigger Bastard. Once you get his scene, make sure to click on the "call out" option
Jak vs. Dijon sixth ending - Same process as the fifth, except make sure Jak was the first person you interact with in instead of Will!
Hope this helps in some way!
I assumed such about Jed's second achievement but I assume the event doesn't trigger for me
I ended up getting the third one by accident. LOL
hi! Loving the game so far. Is there a way to delete save slots to free up more room?
If you press the "delete" key on your keyboard while hovering over a slot it will prompt you to delete the save.
thanks so much! Big help :)
I am only maybe 1/2 done with the game and I had a small question. Is Florence based off of Kenny from South Park? I love South Park as it’s been my special niche for around 6 years. And I’ve loved his route thus far because of it.
Why do you think that? /genq
Maybe because they both have the signature orange color and Flo being immortal like kenny?
That's fair, I was just curious, I've never touched SP.
Steam release? :>
Does anyone know how to get the Dijon vs Will endings? I can't seem to get them no matter how hard I try
I have the same issue (sob)
it's not too hard to get! just start a new save and only acquaint yourself with dijon and will (though you don't have to sleep with will; just get on his good side). hope that helps!
Everytime I try to talk to the sheriff, florence or the bar tender it says an accident happened. Is this new???? I'm not sure what to do after this.